Terms and Conditions of Service/ Disclaimers
(Last changed 24 April 2014)
By using this website you agree to be bound by the terms of use as set forth herein. These terms may be changed without prior notice, but the current version will always be posted on the website.
Liability Disclaimers:
"How to" files Disclaimer:
Technical or "how to" information on this site may involve danger or have legal requirements and is not intended for use by individuals insufficiently trained in this field and its safety requirements. Individuals without qualified knowledge and skills to assume all risks that may be present, may risk serious injury or death to themselves or others, and should not depend on the completeness of this information or that it is error free. Qualified persons should insure that all appropriate safety and legal precautions are taken. All persons involved in providing this information disclaim and refuse any responsibility for any undesired consequences of use of this information.
Personal Experiences Disclaimer:
Files that relate the experiences of the author, are for informational use only. You should NOT use this information for self-treatment unless you or someone you consult regarding it is qualified and takes full responsibility for any risks and legal requirements involved, nor should you depend on the completeness of this information. All persons involved in providing this information disclaim and refuse any responsibility for any undesired consequences of use of this information.
Warranty Disclaimer:
This website is provided AS IS, and without warrantees of any kind. This website may contain links to other websites over which we have no control. We disclaim any responsibility whatsoever for such sites. If you visit such websites, you should read their policies and terms of use before using them.
You agree not to use this website or its content for any illegal purpose or in any illegal manner and Indemnify and hold harmless all persons involved in the publication of this website.
Company registration:
This website belongs to Giles Spruill, wife and son, dba Expert publications
Registered with the Florida dept. Corporations, Registration Number G02108900258
Registered office address:
Expert Publications
5525 County Rd. 569
Center Hill, FL 33514-4407